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A magic wand of love and support!

Golden Light!

At the beginning of the year, I kept asking how I could be of even greater service to my community. I had this intense desire to support and help more and more people through the energetics of my Sacred Soul System but had no idea of exactly what that was going to look like!

While I’d been exploring plenty of paths and options, I wasn't getting or feeling a clear or consistent sign as to where to direct my energy.

I created "Freedom" sessions, explored venues for local in person offerings. and of course established The Golden Collective. But… it was a forwarded message on the 10th May 2023 that truly allowed all to land so graciously.

After somewhat of a frustrated and emotional morning, I received a message from a friend with a link that shared a two day a week position, coordinating The Woman Kind Collective - a government funded, community-based space - established in response to support women and families after the 2019 Bush Fires right here in on the Mid North Coast!

It's hard to explain exactly how appealing this gig seemed to me. I quickly sent it to Silas, telling him I was dusting off the CV and getting myself a "big girl" job! I joyfully completed the application, energised about the position and before I knew it, I was at an interview, attending handover and laughing at the fact that I just got myself a conventional two day a week "job".


It all flowed so magically and happened so suddenly that it took me a second to catch my breath and share the news with you all!

“Abracadabra” my beautiful soul friend and client exclaimed - you said you wanted to be more available to your community, and here you are...this is exactly what you were hoping to find!

Abracadabra - indeed!

Have you recently had a magic wand waved over a particular wish or desire? Are you ready to trust in the energetics of your soul and allow ALL of you the opportunity to be ALL of you - wherever that may be?

The Golden Collective supports each of us to take time and make space for all our wishes to be acknowledged AND granted! Join us for our July call - today! We will meet in just a couple of hours! Can't make the live call? The recording is always shared the very next day!

Local Loves - The Women Kind Collective is open for you to drop in 9:30-3:30 every Thursday and Friday - Come and say hello! You'll find me there, meeting and connecting with so many incredible humans... you’re ALL welcome - this is a space is for all woman, non-binary folks and their families!

Not so local but would you like to support families of the mid north coast? Donations welcomed! Follow @women_kind_collective or email me for more info! In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo You'll find more magical wands of energetic goodness below...

ENERGETIC MASTERMIND - GRADUATE - Calling all SOUL GUIDES, EARTH ANGELS, ORACLE BEINGS, and light workers...we are two weeks into this six-month mastermind and there's still space if you've been feeling on the fence - reach out to join!

Or contact me to learn more about The Annual Pass or my three month Accelerate space.

I’m so excited to be supporting you soon!

Love Kate X

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