Reflection and Celebration!
Soul Snippets
With Kate Darnell
2023 Gazillion Full Moon THANK YOUS!
Polarity Perspective
Have you been playing along?
What's on your mind?
Gratitude times 100!
A heart share...
Shine Bright 🌟 Permission to be ALL of YOU!
The signs and synchronicities of Numbers...
Our Delicate Existence
Liberate your soul with more "Nar... Not today" x
Sharing a special one from the archives!
Celebrate the passion and wholehearted living
Intentional living and showing up... Exactly when and how we need to.
Seeking Clarity??? It's right HERE!
We are a vibrational match to all that we desire.
Allowing messages to find us exactly when they need to.
Stepping into our wholeness and feeling into the KNOWINGNESS!
Two words that hold significant power and offer a world of possibilities!
The health benefits of the humble HUM!
Even more timely reminders
Shifting the low vibes one smile at a time...
Re-energising with the good stuff!
A magic wand of love and support!
The Golden Collective needs your light and expertise!
Seasonal Soul Reminders and all they have to offer!
Small Talk vs Soul Talk. Tune in this Friday for a very special Soul Conversation!
Join us next week in the Golden Collective!
Implement these simple 'Energetic Checkpoints'!
It's so easy to get distracted and bury the importance of our energy...
Have negative thoughts been taking up your precious 'YOU TIME'?
Have you been reacting? Has it been worth it?
My epic realisation and all that continues to unfold...
Inspiring creativity and embracing The Golden Process!
Seeking excitement and exhilaration? YES PLEASE!
My slightly CRAZY yet Golden Offering!
Manifesting in March - Energetic Coherence - Whaaaa??! What if you were always in FLOW?
Manifesting in March - What if it was easier? Ready to welcome the SPACIOUSNESS?
Manifesting in March - Resourced and Ready? What are your soul non-negotiables?
Manifesting in March - Mixed Messages 😫 ... and how they can Support your Sacred Soul System!
Grounding with gratitude and catapulting into our brilliance
The desire to see clearly vs ALLOWING & seeing clearly
Birthday Eve Frivolities!
It's so safe to Celebrate YOU!
Find your POWER AND PRODUCTIVITY - through the rest!
Happy 2023! Enjoy this letter to Kate in her first year of soul biz...
Enjoying that time of the year where you have no idea what day it is!
Celebrate the good times and acknowledge the tough ones too!