This Winter Solstice Kate Darnell of Gumboots By The Sea (that’s me!) hosted a beautiful heart and soul led community event. Soul Fest saw hundreds of people flock to the village of Coopernook for Markets, Music, Food and Fun.
While a seed was planted three years ago around the same time Gumboots By The Sea was birthed, it took only six weeks from receiving the message from spirit that Soul-Fest was to be held, this year, during Solstice and in Coopernook! The result was a beautiful indoor market, with music, food and fun and an awesome crowd – We couldn’t have asked for more!
When the message came that it was time to prepare for and hold Soul Fest, I knew with my whole heart and soul that the event was possible, that it would flow and would be a celebration of community and heart and soul led creatives.
There was of course loads of physical planning, emails, invitations, organisation and marketing to be done, however, this blog is about how I used my ability to access an awakened state of trust (my spirituality!) to clearly connect and communicate, which ensured that this event would manifest with “Ease and Grace.”
There really are no coincidences, so I wasn’t surprised that Ramblings to an Awakened Healer became available the same week Soul Fest was held (but I’ll save that for another blog!)
Below are the “spiritual tools” I used to help me connect and trust in all things me – to ensure a prosperous and beautiful flowing event.
Meditation: When the message came that the event was to be held, I made intentional time and space to meditate and explore exactly what was required of me to make such an event happen. I tuned in to ensure the messages were clear, and my feelings were aligned with the energy I was receiving. – This meditation revealed the importance of holding the day on Winter’s Solstice.
An Altar: I made intentional space on my Altar where I placed sketches and thoughts on how I would like SOUL FEST to manifest – this included the date, time and specific markets holders I would love to have join me.
Journaling: I spoke to spirit and connected to my higher self through journal entries. I released any fears, worries and doubts and took time to send gratitude and love to those who were spiritually and physically supporting the event.
Throat Chakra/Chanting: I used my clear throat chakra to share my heart desires with pretty much whoever would listen - I told my friends, I told my community, I clearly communicated my "Soul Fest Desires". Each time I drove past the hall where the event was to be held myself and whoever was in the car with me would chant and sing “SOUL FEST - SOUL FEST - SOUL FEST” to infuse just the right amount of energy around the event.
Mantras: I used the mantras “Stop and Trust” and “Ease and Grace" when meditating or thinking about the event. I even had the words “Stop and Trust" in my pocket during the festival to help ground me and remind me to breathe.
Crystals: Along with the note in my pockets I also had two crystals that I had intuitively chosen to have with me throughout the day to remind myself to remain with spirit and grounded in love. I used crystals to place various crystal grids on top of my plans and programs.
Noticing the signs: I confidently looked for and used the signs and the messages of the universe to keep trusting in the planning and coordinating (see the rainbow pictured!)
Investing in my own spiritual sessions/mentoring: I shared my desire with my spiritual coach and mentor to ensure I had some accountability and support my ability to connect beyond the physical world, ensuring my desires were held and accounted for.
I set intentions with the new moon: It’s no secret that I’m an intention setter from way back so I’m certain it wouldn’t come to a surprise that Soul Fest was included in my wishes at each new-moon and again at full moon.
W O W - Reflecting on this list, I can see that I did many of the things that I teach people to do in TRUST IN YOU – TRUST IN SOUL - what a lovely way to recognise that that I'm walking my talk and continuing to trust in my own heart and soul.
A truly awakened state comes from living from heart space, finding a spiritual flow and choosing to live from this place of love and connection. Soul Fest gave beyond what I could ever have wished to give back to my community. Soul Fest was so supported and loved and I deeply believe my connection to spirit and my higher power made this so very possible. I can not wait to watch such an event grow in our beautiful community.
I hope this blog will inspire you to trust in you as well? Or maybe I can help…
The 6th round of Trust in YOU Trust in SOUL – starts this July!
GBTS: Moon Magic meets at each New and Full Moon
I would love to support you!
In Inner-peace and Empowerment,

Love Kate X