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Writer's pictureLove Kate X

Grounding with gratitude and catapulting into our brilliance

Golden Light!

In January, I found myself spontaneously [and courageously] submitting my short story (a chapter from Womb Hymn) to SOOP Publishing for a chance to be shared in one of their anthologies. It required people's votes [like yours] to help get it across the line for submission/review! Thanks to so many of you, my story got the votes required to be reviewed!

I also signed up to complete a swim challenge for The Starlight Children's Foundation - "SUPER SWIM HERO". Where I've been swimming laps this Feb to raise money for The Starlight Foundation, who bring joy to the lives of sick children. A cause very near to my heart as I spent a lot of my childhood in hospitals and experienced the power of Captain Starlight firsthand!

On the other side of doing both these things, I felt a wave of panic, which I quickly identified as - soul sabotage!

I even experienced classic "monkey mind" and found myself asking “who am I to do these things" while of course what I needed to be [compassionately] asking was "who am I not to".

Despite me literally guiding and supporting so many in stepping into their own soul brilliance, the "I'm being too much" vibes flowed through me. Thankfully, as soon as I brought my awareness to it, I could speak to and clear any feelings of doubt and insecurity and acknowledge the soul reminder that all is always how it needs to be. I could remind myself that trusting in myself and soul is pivotal to showing up and living from our Sacred Soul System.

Suddenly, I felt so much love and gratitude for all the kind and generous souls [that's YOU!] who were happy to support me in my endeavours. I was reminded of how necessary gratitude is to feel grounded and at peace with all the various directions our heart and soul choose to take us in this lifetime. I was especially reminded how gratitude has the ability to quite literally catapult us into living our vibrant wholeness - no holding back or shrinking for the sake of it.

You may like to try it too! Taking a moment to feel grounded in gratitude, breathing deeply into your heart space, solar plexus and beyond, and truly begin to feel love and thanks...

For self For soul For others For nature For spirit For the lessons For the emotions For this precious moment...

It's so incredibly human of us to default into the over thinking, questioning, and doubting ourselves. Which is exactly why I like to share this with you! No single human has it all figured out, and the best way to lead in golden light is to shine a golden light on these truths; embracing and celebrating each of us, exactly as we are.

Wishing you the most joyous AND grounded in gratitude kind of day.

In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo

and HERE is where you’re super welcome to vote for my short story to be published. And as always - new episodes of "Awaken Your Sacred Soul System" are uploaded every Friday on Spotify, Apple and wherever you find your podcasts, be sure to follow along for extra joy and golden times!

I love YOU and I love YOU!

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