As the energy built up towards Christmas, I watched people start to panic, spend more, and get caught up in the craziness of the “Silly Season”
I realised that I didn’t need to -
I have the moon
As people started investing in the “best programs” for 2019…be it a new diet trend, a must do course or a recent gadget, I realised I didn’t need to -
I have the moon
Each of us move throughs energetic cycles, just as the moon moves through her phases. I feel that for many of us, making fixed resolutions such as the familiar quick fix New Year resolutions, is likely going to create a control that no longer serves us.
An idea that doesn’t move with us…or even worse, sets us up to fail.
I believe that honouring your power just as we do the moon allows us to honour the natural ebb and flow that is real life – it allows us to trust and be, despite the natural highs and lows of the world we live in. Honouring ourselves and taking intentional time each lunar cycle rather than each calendar year means I am able to connect more regularly and more deeply and I would love to invite you to do the same.
By tuning into the moon, I am able to bring more abundance, joy, love and flow into my world without seemingly trying and the best part of this is that I now support others to do the same through 1:1 Moon Mentoring and GBTS: Moon Magic – an online group, moon intention setting, circle.
Every moon cycle we are able to release and reflect on where we're at and what we're working on. Every moon cycle we release, we reclaim, we remind myself that all is exactly as it needs to be.
Every moon cycle we lean into to spirit.
Every moon cycle we are reminded to trust.
The annual reminder of WHAT - WHO - HOW we are going to change sabotages our soul, it tells us to set unrealistic expectations and puts pressure on ourselves which are setting us up to fail…We really don’t need them...
We have the moon.
By all means if you’ve found the thing that is going to be your commitment for 2019 up, up and away! However, if your soul is searching for more depth or is ready to release, integrate and be kinder (to self), to feel more connected (to soul) – I promise, you can trust in the moon.
The most powerful time to set new moon intentions is at the new moon (Jan 6th) and below are the ways that I can support you to work with and connect with the moon…
1:1 Moon Mentoring - Individual Intention Setting sessions at each new moon and full moon. These sessions are spiritually guided and infused with extra love and support as you set out to live your best, most fulfilled life.
GBTS: Moon Magic is an online moon circle where we move through each cycle together, setting intentions and working with the energy of the moon creating abundance, flow, joy and love in our worlds.
Energy forecasts – tune into the energy of each moon cycle, be sure to sign up to email list to get the GBTS: Energy Forecast each moon cycle PLUS there’s still time to get your personal energy forecast for 2019.
More love, more connection, more kindness for you – NOW
In inner-peace and empowerment,
Love Kate X