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Feeling into the whole body... YES!

Hello Golden One,

Around ten months ago I took a quantum leap and GRADUATED out of my GUMBOOTS and into the wholeness of all things With Kate Darnell.

Thank YOU for following along! While the golden shifts and transformations appeared to transpire quite suddenly [especially on my socials] the "to-ing and fro-ing" between my very strong heart and soul [EMBODIED] YES vs the very real 3D monkey mind chatter [that had me insisting I say no] went on for WEEKS!

I have recently been speaking about the behind the scenes of soul/quantum leaps and how [as many of us already know] such experiences are usually far from being calm seas, rainbows, and unicorns.

My Soul Biz Mentor, Light Coach and Incredible Colleague Carly Stephan gloriously articulated what was on the other side of my eventual "SOUL YES" UPGRADE...

Here's what Carly shared with her community... ...before she came into work with me, Kate had previously said no (despite feeling the energy of her soul yes) and briefly stepped away from the leap that was beckoning her. But upon meeting the tenderness and unsureness of backing herself in such a powerful way - she leapt! And has soared. So during our chat I asked her what she would have left on the table if she'd stayed in her no only a few short months ago. And in black and white it looks like this: - Tens of thousands of dollars in revenue (and I have no doubt a bit further down the track, hundreds of thousands). - A vastly more aligned clientele (that don't drain her) who feel the impact of HER up-levelling and have gone on to produce amazing programs, products and offerings to serve the world. - The ability to purchase the house of her dreams with her husband, contributing significantly with the revenue her business now generates (whereas previously settling for something at a much lower price point would have happened). - Oodles more time with her children and herself, which she created from valuing her services, 5 x increasing her price points, and unlocking time to have midday baths and plenty of time for adventures with her girls.

We often think of our legacy dreams as lofty, maybe at some point, pie-in-the-sky goals. As if they don’t have real-world value and worth. And as you can see in plain black and white via Kate above - there is SO much value there, once you think about it. But if you don’t identify the actual value of your dreams, you’ll likely never be focused enough to get them done. I want you to know that your dreams have value. Concrete, money-in-the-bank value. Kate had been dreaming about the endless possibilities of additional revenue streams in her business for a while, no longer trading time for money and truly feeling lit up in her soul and life every day, doing what she loves! W O W! Reading Carly’s email really highlighted just what was on the other side of the whole-body SOUL LED YES and the imminent rewards that are waiting for us when we allow pure GRADUATION into a next level.

The truth is, I have learnt that when we say no or refuse to listen to a "Soul Yes" we...

  • Stifle our power

  • Keep ourselves small

  • Become triggered by others when they are doing "our thing"

GRADUATE Energetic Mastery is not a formal teaching program, it’s an opportunity to unlock what you already know - all the wisdom that is within via unique energetic templates and processes.

GRADUATE is your opportunity to say yes to soul and share even more of what and who you are here to be with the world.

It promises...

  • More resourcefulness and immediate energetic rewards

  • VIP Coaching Opportunities and unconditional soul support and guidance

  • Practical Support AND high vibe energetic processes

The world needs ALL of you! There is still space [and a little bit of time left!] for you to honour your Sacred Soul System and join me in the first ever round of...GRADUATE!

Learn more here.

Have a beautiful week!

In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo

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