Hello Golden One,
While "Merry Go Rounds" can spark feelings of joy and glee, we can easily begin to outgrow them.
Suddenly the repetition becomes uncomfortable, even boring - the ride is too small!
Some of us may be content to sit with the nostalgia of the merry go round, while others will begin to seek the rollercoasters; the bigger rides that promise more exhilaration, more liberation, something that will fully allow us to immerse in feeling it ALL.
Perhaps the bigger rides seem too much? Too risky? Too bold? Possibly even...wreak-less?!?
Maybe it's easier to sit still, stay quiet. Safer to go without the joy at all?
Wherever YOU find yourself, there is so much magic [soul expansion] in YOUR feelings, in the tension, the discoveries, the desires. In fact, all of this is exactly what we need to go next level!
This year I’ve been so fortunate to work and support many people who had previously found themselves "coasting along". These divine souls decided it was time to get off the merry go round and to step into the magic that is ALL of who they are.
If this week's message evokes something within your soul, perhaps it can be the reminder for you take that next step, make something that once seemed impossible – possible!
You deserve more, are allowed more, AND will be supported when you say yes to more.
If you’ve been feeling a "what's next" or the need to do things differently, for you, your soul, your relationships, your business – your LIFE - here's a recap of how I can help you "Live Life [even more] Golden" -
GRADUATE - Energetic Mastery, the mastermind we didn't know we needed! Our first group call is coming soon - join us - extended payment plans are available!
ACCELERATE - My potent 3 month 1:1 container. For the movers and the shakers – we’ll press play on ALL that you’re ready to share with the world. There are only two spaces left for 2022
ANNUAL PASS - Gift yourself a year of potent soul accountability. There’s one space left for 2022
SACRED SPACE - Subscribe to join us for our next New Moon call, Tuesday October 25th.
SACRED SOUL SYSTEM - This incredible e-course is yours to complete at any time.
I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Have a beautiful week!
In Golden Light,
Love Kate xoxo