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My epic realisation and all that continues to unfold...

Writer's picture: Love Kate XLove Kate X

I’ve recently been on a delicious light filled holiday with my husband Silas and daughters, Eden and Lulu.

We’ve been visiting family and along the way have been immersing ourselves in some of our favourite and most beautiful parts of Australia!

As my nervous system relaxed into being present with my people [end of term feels were real in our house!] I had the opportunity to choose to live life even more golden - GAH, I found myself exclaiming with delight, this is our real life!

So here I am, sharing ANOTHER newsletter/blog/post/podcast that delights in my time well spent...want to know why?!?

I had an epic realisation -

What a trip! I scribbled into my journal...

This is life - as we know it!

I found myself really acknowledging that not everyone chooses this kind of life; a life well resourced, joy filled, light rich! A life that trusts in, and utilises, the wholeness of our Sacred Soul System and the entirety of our being.

Oooo this is going in next week's newsletter for sure - I marveled, but then had second thoughts...

Surely my community has heard this from me over and over again?

I put my pen down, closed my journal and continued on with our evening of delicious food, holiday games and fav shows. Each of us snuggled together under crochet blankets, the crisp autumn air well and truly had found its way to New England, NSW.

Some hours later, the whole house deep in slumber, my littlest called out and I felt myself simultaneously responding to her while receiving a spiritual message and needing to write something down…

We NEED these repeated messages, spirit whispered. They are divine, energetic soul reminders. Every incredible experience of AWE is a pure gift and opportunity to choose to live life [even more] golden - to choose to live life - extraordinary!

As this message arrived, what truly landed for me was that MY soul legacy, and these messages, are so anchored in and required. Sharing them is - ME - in my wholeness, trusting, reminding, allowing AND supporting as many people as possible.

If you are in need of some quality time for you, Sacred Soul System, The Golden Collective, GRADUATE and all of my golden signature offerings have been designed to guide you through a transformational journey towards living an extraordinary, connected and fulfilling life.

The Sacred Soul System e-course remains at a special discounted rate and is a wonderful place to begin OR if live group settings are more your thing, join us next week in our incredible online space THE GOLDEN COLLECTIVE - I am certain this call will bring just as much magic as the first one!

Find you and live your wholeness along the way, I'm so excited for what is next for us all!

In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo

PS Did you resonate with these messages? Let me know, or share this post with someone who may love this message too! Every share and reply helps grow our Golden and connected community! Thank YOU!

Sending all my love! X

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