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Writer's pictureLove Kate X

What myths have you been living?

Hello Golden One,

At the Trust Masterclass I shared how I had a government gig and long term wellness contract canned with less than 24 hours’ notice [Whoops - I now have much better T&Cs in place AND thankfully With Kate Darnell is soaring without it - PHEW!]

While it would’ve been easy to freak out about the loss of income, I chose to take it as a sign to TRUST that it was time to redirect my energy and receive this additional income elsewhere!

A bestie had commented how relaxed I’d been about the whole experience. That's been easy, I laughed, that kind of money/job security is imaginary; I'm trusting [and living] from my whole Sacred Soul System that all is exactly as it needs to be!

Because I live aligned with my soul, grounded in my truth and in deep reverence to all things TRUST, I’m able to discern what story/energy is going to work for me VS living in an energy/imaginary story [like OMG I lost so much money] which is of no service to me [or anyone when it comes to living my legacy and best serving you!]

Yes - I lost a potentially ginormous paycheck, but the cost of allowing that kind of absent [& imaginary] money to cause stress, or to take it as an invitation to lose faith or belief in me or my Sacred Soul System, would have been a much greater loss!

It's funny isn't it, so many folks will deem us as crazy when we connect to/trust in messages of spirit and the divine, yet so many people will allow imaginary stories..."this XYZ situation has ruined my life" to cause stress, unhappiness, and a life where limiting mindsets create a deep sense of dread.

When we consistently connect with soul and spirit, we’re able to direct our energy in ways that will have us energy rich and of service - we can truly lean into what stories [energies] are going to best serve us and release the rest!

And ok...that was a massive contract which would have been lovely BUT the golden opportunities that have been revealed when I didn't get my knickers in a knot and claim tragedy [because it wasn't a tragedy AND all was not lost!] generated unimaginable amounts of physical emotional and spiritual can and will for you too!

This week, I would love to remind you to revisit or purchase the TRUST MASTERCLASS. This one hour class will have you aligning with your truth, generating more energy rich resources and backing yourself in golden and vibrant ways!

As a thank you to everyone who’s attended or purchased the TRUST Masterclass, and for anyone who does so this week, I’m offering a chance to win a 4 Week Golden Immersion experience with me! Nothing for you to do (other than purchase if you haven’t already), I’ll simply put you in the draw and announce the winner next week!

And in case you missed it - here's how you can TRUST in you and your soul and work with me for the remainder of 2022 and beyond!

GRADUATE - Energetic Mastery, the mastermind we didn't know we needed! Our first group call is coming soon - join us - extended payment plans are available!

ACCELERATE - My potent 3 month 1:1 container. For the movers and the shakers – we’ll press play on ALL that you’re ready to share with the world. There are only two spaces left for 2022

ANNUAL PASS - Gift yourself a year of potent soul accountability. There’s one space left for 2022

SACRED SPACE - Subscribe to join us for our next New Moon call, Tuesday October 25th.

SACRED SOUL SYSTEM - This incredible e-course is yours to complete at any time.

Have a beautiful week!

In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo

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